With billing on demand, payments can be made flexibly and without user interaction.



Initiate payments

For billing on demand to happen, at least one order with these properties must be available:

  • The order must be made with a payment method that allows rebilling (credit card, SEPA direct debit or PayPal).
  • Chargebacks, cancellations and order terminations are not available for this order.


Create a product that describes the type of rebilling. You can use placeholders to do this such as:

[COUNT] minutes of video watched on demand.

This product can, but does not have to, have a payment amount. It can be a 0 EUR product or have a different payment plan.

Ensure rebilling payment method

There are several options to ensure that the payment method you are using supports rebilling:

With the API function createBuyUrl():

Select settings[force_rebilling] = Y

Via a GET parameter

Add the GET parameter force_rebilling=Y to the order form URL, e.g.:


After the customer has paid, you can use the order ID as a reference order for billing on demand.

Carry out billing on demand

Use the API function createBillingOnDemand() to make any additional payments.