
 updateDelivery( delivery_id, data, tracking, notify_via_email=true ) 

Updates a delivery record.

Access rights

Full access required.



data – Array with these fields:

  • type - request|in_progress|delivery|partial_delivery|return|cancel
  • is_shipped – bool, Y = The product has been shipped. Type is set to delivery. quantity_shipped is set to the full quantity / N = The delivery was cancelled. Type is set to cancel
  • quantity_delivered - int - sets the delivery quantity to the given value
  • add_quantity_delivered - int - adds the given value to the delivery quantity
  • is_shipped_by_reseller_from -string - if you are a fulfillment center: Only if)is_shippment_by_reseller_id is set for a delivery, set this parameter to your code  of your fulfilment center.

tracking - List of arrays with these fields:

  • parcel_service- Find possible values here (in the first column "key"):
  • If a delivery service missing, write to - provide name and information on the tracking api of the new service.
  • tracking_id - string
  • expect_delivery_at - future date
  • quantity - int (default: all items are deliverd)
  • operation- possible values are:
    • create_or_update (default) - creates or updates tracking information identified by the given trackng id
    • delete Remove tracking information with the given id.

Example: tracking[0][parcel_service]=dhl&tracking[0][tracking_id]=1234567890

notify_via_email - bool (default: true) - set to false, to not notify the buyer via email about the delivery.

Return data

Buyer data record (with address), e.g.:

[data] => Array
      [is_modified] => Y

See also