validateEticket(eticket_id, template_id, location_id, date='now' )
Validates the e-ticket (e.g. at the entrance control of the event).
Access rights
Full access required.
The access can also happen via a Digistore24 account, which was granted access to the vendor account. In this case, you need:
- Full access
- Technical access or
- Support access
eticket_id – 20-digit, numeric e-ticket ID (as it is e.g. scanned from the e-ticket).
template_id – the e-ticket template for the current event, see getEticketSettings(), there the value for eticket_templates. Multiple IDs are separated with commas.
location_id – the event location for the current event, see getEticketSettings(), there the value for eticket_locations. Multiple IDs are separated with commas.
date – the day of the event, e.g. 2017-12-31 for New Year’s Eve 2017 or today for today's date. Multiple dates are separated with commas.
Return data
The result of the validation:
status – has the values:
- success – the e-ticket is valid and was validated
- error – the e-ticket is invalid
msg – the readable success/error message eticket_location_id – the location where the e-ticket is valid eticket_template_id – the template for which the e-ticket is valid eticket_date – the date on which the e-ticket is valid
If the validation fails, this will also be returned:
is_eticket_valid_for_different_event – Y/N. If Y, the e-ticket is valid for the returned eticket_location_id, eticket_template_id and eticket_date.