
refundTransaction( transaction_id, force=false, request_date='now' )

Refunds a payment for the order.

Access rights

Full access required.


transaction_id – the transaction ID

force – bool – if false (default), the refund will only processed, if the refund policy allows a refund. If true, the refund will be tried any way (and may fail, if the payment is too old – e.g. more than 90 days for Paypal payments).

request_date - date - if given, apply refund policies based the the given date. Use this, if there is a delay between refund request by the buyer and the time, your supporters process the buyer's request.

Return data

status: completed, refused, pending, error
‘Y’ or ‘N’
note: Note text on the outcome

If status pending:

pending_reason: default_delay,proof_missing,proof_aproval,blocked
pending_reason_msg: the reason as readable text
pending_until: if applicable, a date when the return will be carried out automatically
action_url: if applicable, a URL where the customer must be active to provide evidence

If status error:

error_reason: refund_completed, refund_pending, unknown
if applicable: processed_at: date on which the return was made (if it has already been made)
if applicable: pending_until: date on which the return will be made (if this can be specified)