validateAffiliate( $affiliate_name, $product_ids )
Checks if there is an affiliation for an affiliate and a product.
The function returns the same information as when you get up the order form (where the affiliate name is displayed at the bottom). This is why you can check the affiliation for each product – not just your own.
Access limits
When checking third-party products, there are stricter limits that apply to the number of views from an IP. For this reason, we recommend that you check third-party products via JavaScript on the client side from the IP of the user of your app.
This limit does not apply when checking your own products. These can be easily checked by the server.
Access rights
Read access, full access or development key required. If you want to use this function via JavaScript on your website, then make sure you use the development key since it can be published.
affiliate_name – the Digistore24 ID of the affiliate
product_ids – One or more product IDs. Multiple IDs are separated with commas e.g.: 11,22,33,44. All product IDs must belong to the same vendor (but not necessarily to the owner of the API key).
Return data
have_affiliation – Y (if the affiliation exists and has been approved for all specified products) or N (if the affiliation for at least one product does not exist or has not been approved)
affiliation_status – Affiliation status. These values are possible:
- approved – the affiliation exists and has been approved
- no_affiliation – the affiliation does not exist because it has not been requested or rejected, or because the product ID or affiliate name is invalid
- wait_for_approval – the affiliation exists but has not yet been approved by the vendor
- no_valid_products – there are no valid IDs in the list of product IDs
invalid_affiliate_name – the affiliate name is not valid The lowest status is always given for multiple products, with “approved” being the highest status.
affiliation_status_msg – ditto, only in plain text
invite_url – URL via which the affiliation can be initiated
valid_product_ids – the valid product IDs, e.g.: 11,22,33
invalid_product_ids – the invalid product IDs, e.g.: 91,92,93