
getMarketplaceEntry( entry_id )

Returns a single marketplace entry.

Access rights

Read access required.


entry_id – the ID of the marketplace entry (not the product). It can be determined e.g. by using listMarketplaceEntries().

Return data

The following data of the marketplace entry is returned:


id: the ID of the marketplace entry main_product_id: the ID of the main product

all_product_ids: all product IDs of this marketplace entry. This is the main product ID and the IDs of the products registered as “related products”.

approval_status: Approval status. Possible values:

  • new – no request for approval yet
  • pending – the approval is in progress
  • approved – approved
  • rejected – rejected

approval_status_msg: Approval status in plain text, e.g. “approved”

price: the estimated or statistically determined average product price

currency: the currency in which all prices are displayed e.g. EUR

price_msg: the product price as HTML text. Either automatically determined or entered manually by the vendor at the marketplace entry.

language: the language of the entry e.g. “de” or “en”

is_price_msg_overriden: If “price_msg” was entered manually, the value is “Y”, otherwise “N”

product_category_id: the ID of the category to which the marketplace entry is assigned

product_category: the category as text e.g. “patterning ”

headline: the headline of the marketplace entry (normally the product name)

description: the description text (as HTML)

affiliate_share: the expected affiliate share for a sale (as determined by the main product payment plans), e.g. 18.12

product_created_at: Date the product was created e.g. “2012-06-17 17:01:33”

Statistical values

stats_is_valid: “Y” if there are enough sales for (reasonably) valid statistics. The statistics will then be displayed on the Digistore24 marketplace. Otherwise “N” – the statistics will not be displayed on the Digistore24 marketplace.

stats_updated_at: Time when these statistics were last updated e.g. “2015-03-02 15:17:22”

stats_seller_rank: the Digistore24 seller rank

stats_seller_rank_category: the Digistore24 seller rank within its own product category

stats_stars: the popularity – that is the number of displayed stars. A decimal value from 0 to 5 e.g. 3.27.

stats_affiliate_profit_visitor: the average affiliate profit per order form visitor (including upsells and all subscription payments) e.g. 5.32

stats_affiliate_profit_sale: the average affiliate profit per initial sale (including upsells and all subscription payments) e.g. 17.22

stats_count_orders_w_aff: number of orders (first sales and upsells) with affiliates

stats_cancel_rate: the cancelation rate in percent e.g. 3.27

stats_revenue: the total revenue (net, including all subscription payments and upsells, less cancelations)

stats_count_affiliates_with_sales: number of affiliates that have generated sales

stats_conversion_rate: the cart conversion rate. Number of purchases/number of order form visitors (in percent) e.g. 12.35

stats_count_orders: Number of orders e.g. 372