
createShippingCostPolicy( data )

Creates a shipping cost policy.

Access rights

Full access required


data – array with product properties to change. Accessible properties are (all are optional):

  • name: string[63]
  • label_XX: string[63] (Label on orderform. Optional. Replace XX by the desired language)
  • position: int (default: 100)
  • is_active: bool (default: Y)
  • for_product_ids: comma seperated product id list. (default: all)
  • for_countries: comma seperated country code list. (default: all - use two character iso country codes like US)
  • for_currencies: comma seperated currency code list. (default: all - use three character currency codes like USD or EUR)
  • fee_type: total_fee|fee_per_unit
  • billing_cycle: once|monthly
  • currency: currency – e.g. USD. currency of the given fees. Defaults to the currency set in your account.
  • scale_level_count: int (1 to 5, defaults to 1. Number of discount levels)
  • scale_level_count: int (1 to 5, defaults to 1. Number of discount levels)
  • scale_1_amount: float Shipping cost amount
  • scale_2_from: int Number of items for second discount level
  • scale_2_amount: float Shipping cost amount for (scale_2_from) or more items
  • scale_3_from: int Number of items for second discount level
  • scale_3_amount: float Shipping cost amount for (scale_3_from) or more items
  • scale_4_from: int Number of items for second discount level
  • scale_4_amount: float Shipping cost amount for (scale_4_from) or more items
  • scale_5_from: int Number of items for second discount level
  • scale_5_amount: float Shipping cost amount for (scale_5_from) or more items

Return data

Array (
    [policy_id] => 1234