listConversionTools( $type )
Returns a list of all the conversions that you have set up in Digistore24.
Access rights
Read access or full access required.
type: smartupgrade, socialproof_box, socialproof_bubble, or countdown Separate multiple values with commas
Return data
A list of the conversion tools of the selected type e.g.:
[smartupgrades] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 1
[name] => Upgrade auf Komplettversion
[authkey] => R7w4XmVXgIkZ2iGceLhc2AXBh
[created_at] => 2016-03-17 15:40:50
[is_custom_css_used] => N
[custom_css] =>
[upgrade_to_product_id] => 12345
[product_ids] => 373,20,340,4929,4931
[1] => Array
[id] => 2
[name] => Rundum-glücklich-Paket
[authkey] => mVXgIkZ2iGceLhc2AXBhXGFD1
[created_at] => 2016-03-21 13:11:23
[is_custom_css_used] => N
[custom_css] =>
[upgrade_to_product_id] => 54321
[product_ids] => 373,20,340,4929,4931