
getCustomerToAffiliateBuyerDetails( purchase_id )

Returns details on the customer to affiliate programm for the specific buyer(s) of the given purchase(s).

Before use, setup a customer to affiliate programm in Digistore24:

Access rights

full access required.


purchase_id – the Digistore24 order id. Or a comma seperated list of order ids.

Return data

Links and user name for the buyer to become an affiliate:

[data] => Array
            [customer_affiliate_name] => user7381929
            [customer_to_affiliate_url] =>
            [customer_affiliate_promo_url] =>

multiple order ids

If multiple order ids are given, the result is an array - with one entry for each given order id.


customer_affiliate_name – the username of the buyer, if he becomes an affiliate

customer_to_affiliate_url – the buyer uses this url to register to become an affiliate

customer_affiliate_promo_url – the new affiliate uses this url to promote the product he bought. The buyer can promote any product you allow him to.