Returns the e-ticket templates and the event locations, which are set up for the digistore24-account.
Access rights
Read access or full access required.
Return data
eticket_owners – the Digistore24-IDs of the owners of the e-tickets eticket_templates – the e-ticket templates, which belong to the vendor-account as well as the e-ticket templates of accounts, for which the user has support-, technical- or full-access eticket_locations – analogue for the event locations
[eticket_owners] => Array
[123] => my_own_digistore_id
[456] => some_other_vendor_digistore_id
[eticket_templates] => Array
[123] => Array
[1234] => Some seminar
[5678] => Some other seminar
[456] => Array
[9876] => A seminar by some other vendor
[5432] => Another seminar by some other vendor
[eticket_locations] => Array
[123] => Array
[5432] => Berlin
[4321] => Münster/Prinzipialmarkt
[123] => Array
[8765] => München
[7654] => Köln
123 and 456 are the User-IDs of the e-tickets owners. The 4-digit numbers are the template-IDs and location-IDs.