getPurchase( purchase_id )
Gives back details for the selected order.
Access rights
Read access or full access required.
purchase_id – the Digistore24 order id. Or a comma seperated list of order ids.
If specified, the current exchange rates into this currency are also displayed.
Return data
Order-informations, for example:
[other_amounts] => 0.00
[other_vat_amounts] => 0.00
[id] => L4F5DWT5
[amount] => 10.00
[currency] => EUR
[number_of_installments] => 0
[vat_country] => DE
[vat_amount] => 1.60
[vat_rate] => 19.00
[created_at] => 2014-02-25 22:51:09
[billing_type] => single_payment
[billing_type_msg] => Einmalzahlung
[billing_status] => aborted
[billing_status_msg] => Zahlungen abgebrochen
[renew_url] =>
[receipt_url] =>
[invoice_url] =>
[has_custom_forms] => N
[has_etickets] => N
[transaction_list] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 313113
[amount] => 10.00
[currency] => EUR
[purchase_id] => L4F5DWT5
[pay_method] => paypal
[pay_method_msg] => PayPal
[created_at] => 2014-02-25 22:51:43
[type] => payment
[type_msg] => Verkauf
[invoice_url] =>
[1] => Array
[id] => 313115
[amount] => -10.00
[currency] => EUR
[purchase_id] => L4F5DWT5
[pay_method] => paypal
[pay_method_msg] => PayPal
[created_at] => 2014-02-25 22:52:02
[type] => refund
[type_msg] => Rückgabe
[invoice_url] =>
[buyer] => Array
[id] => 54321
[created_at] => 2016-08-26 13:33:23
[email] =>
[first_name] => Claus
[last_name] => Meyers
[salutation] => Mr.
[title] => Dr.
[company] => Sample Ltd.
[street] => Test street 17
[street2] =>
[zipcode] => 12345
[city] => Test city
[state] =>
[country] => DE
[phone_no] =>
[items] => Array
[0] => Array
[product_name] => Ihr Weg in die Selbstständigkeit
[product_id] => 20
[quantity] => 1
[variant_key] => deluxe
[variant_name] => Deluxe Edition
[no] => 1
[count] => 1
[id] => 3214324
[placeholders] => Array
[refund_policy] => stdClass Object
[purchase_id] => ZMZV26HF
[reason_code] => default
[refund_days] => 0
[is_reminder_allowed] => N
[policy_id] => 411
[product_type_id] =>
[delivery_type] =>
[checkbox_text] => I acknowledge that there is no cancellation right for this event.
multiple order ids
If multiple order ids are given, the result is an array - with one entry for each given order id.
Following values are possible:
paying – payments active (for subscriptions or installment payments)
completed – payment done/completed (one time payments or installment payments)
aborted – payments cancelled (for subscriptions or installment payments)
unpaid – not paid (for subscriptions or installment payments: no payment received)
reminding – reminder emails for payment are being sent
createBuyUrl() and Placeholder
If the order happened over a URL of the function createBuyUrl() and if placeholders were used (Parameter placeholders), those will be given as field “placeholders”.
The field purchase.cancel_policy contains information on how the buyer may terminate subscriptions payments.
Possible values are:
- empty string - the payment can be cancelled at any time - after cancellation no further payments will be done
- Xm_0- the subscription will run for X months - after that it may be cancelled at any time. Example:
- 12m_0: minimum time is one year
- Xm_Ym- the subscription will run for X months. After that - if not cancelled - it is extended by Y month. Example:
- 12m_3m minimum time is one year. If not cancelled it is extended by 3 months.
- YYYY-MM-DD_Xm - minimum runtime is until the given date - after that it will extend by X months. Example:
- 2025-07-30_3m - the subscription will run until 2025 July 30th - after that it will be extended by 3 months if not cancelled.
The field purchase.can_cancel_before contains the date the termination becomes effected. E.g. in the last example can_cancel_before is 2025-07-30.
Contains details on the refund policy of the purchase.
- reason_code: – possible values are:
- business – the refund policy was applied, because the buyeris a business.
- consumer – the refund policy was applied, because the buyeris a consumer.
- common – wether the buyer is a consumer or not, has no effect on the refund policy.
- vendor- due to the special nature of the vendor's product, a custom rule was applied. Wether the buyer is a consumer or not, has no effect on the refund policy
- delivery_type: The refund policy was applied due to the delivery type of the product. Possible values are:
- digital – Digital (Download / online membership)
- shipping
- service
- event – e.g. a seminar
- (no value) – the delivery type does not have an effect on the refund policy.
- checkbox_text: If the buyer confirmed the recission of the right to refund by checking a checkbox, this field contains the text of the chockbox.